Join us Wednesday, October 16 2024 at 12:00pm on College Green as six University of Pennsylvania experts highlight the theme of this year's Climate Week at Penn — Climate Solutions.
Following the lectures, Simon Richter, Class of 1965 Endowed Term Professor of German, will moderate a Q&A.
Faculty Presenters:
Climate Policy in a Polarized Country: Elections Matter
Parrish Bergquist, Assistant Professor of Political Science
America Faces a Power Disconnection Crisis
Sanya Carley, Presidential Distinguished Professor of Energy Policy & City Planning, Weitzman School of Design
Climate and Sustainable Agriculture
Thabo Lenneiye, Managing Director, Sustainable Agriculture Fund, Kleinman Center for Energy Policy
Between the Local and the Planetary
John Kanbayashi, History & Sociology of Science
Plants to the Rescue!
Doris Wagner, DiMaura Professor of Biology
Building Utopia through Radical Hope
Kristen R. Ghodsee, Professor aand Chair of Russian and East European Studies
Can't make it to the lecture? Watch a recording of this event on Facebook or Twitter @PennSAS the next day.
For more information about Climate Week at Penn, click here.