
Organizing Behavior Across Timescales

Cori Bargmann, Ph.D.
- | Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum | 3260 South Street (Trescher Entrance)
Cori Bargmann

The 21st Annual Benjamin & Anne A. Pinkel Endowed Lecture on Mind/Brain Paradigms

Genes, neurons, and circuits encode information, interpret it based on context and motivational states, and use that combined input to drive flexible behaviors. Understanding how these processes propagate across temporal and spatial scales is daunting in the complex human brain, but more straightforward in the simple brain of the nematode C. elegans. Our studies of C. elegans foraging behaviors have provided insights into three levels of behavioral regulation: the gating of information flow by circuit state over seconds, the extrasynaptic regulation of circuits by neuropeptides and neuromodulators over minutes and hours, and innate programs that modify behavior across development.

Dr. Cori Bargmann is the Head of Science and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Torsten N. Wiesel Professor at The Rockefeller University

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