Class of 2021
Class of 2020
Class of 2019
Class of 2018
Class of 2017
From left to right, back row: Luke Anderson, Andrew Johnson, Will Prall, Yongjun Li, Linyang Ju, Yuqi Zhou;
Front row: Lisa Valenti, Che-Ling Ho, Rong Guo, Qiao Qing, Abigail DiVito.
Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2017!
From left to right: Dr. Hung Bui, Dr. Matias Escobar, Graduate Coordinator Colleen Gasiorowski, Dr. Maria Diaz, Dr. Emily Behrman, Dr. Mohd Farid Abdul Halim.
Class of 2016
From left to right: Yueyao Zhu, Ekaterina Tarasovetc, Hannelore MacDonald, Erin Doody, Bishwas Sharma, Melina Gyparaki, and Xia Hua.
Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2016
From Left to Right: Dr. Aurora MacRae-Crerar, Dr. Wei Zhou, Dr. Vinayak Mathur, Dr. Amita Tiyaboonchia, Dr. Yang Ding, Dr. Swathi Ayloo, Colleen Gasiororwski, Graduate Coordinator in front. Not Pictured: Dr. Lukas Chmatal.
Class of 2015
From left to right: Christine Park, Tomohiro Kumon, Daniel Barnes, Takashi Nakamura, Ozan Kiratli, Tammy Tran.
Class of 2014
(from left to right) TOP: Ammon Perkes, Ananth Srinivasan, Stephen Anderson MIDDLE: Run Jin, Michael Warner, Erica Lawrence, BOTTOM: Rohini Singh, Ben Galeota-Sprung, Justin Walsh, Bianca Reo Charbonneau
Not pictured: Ze Hong, Sean McGroty
Class of 2013
Front row: Yitian Zhou, Haoran Zhou; Back row: Alexander Berry, Un-Sa Lee, Jean Gabriel Rosario, Janani Saikumar, Alexandra Brown.
Class of 2012

Front row: Erica Boetefuer, Tamra Fisher, Mitchell Johnson; Back row: Riley Graham, Farid Abdul Halim, Ruthsabel Cortes.
Biology Graduate Students and their Research Interests
The Biology Graduate Program offers students a great opportunity for research in a broad range of topics from micro-organisms to the ecological niches.
Our lists of recent dissertation topics and current student research provide evidence of the variety and scope of the research being done in the Biology Graduate Group.