Computational and Mathematical Biology are important new areas in the biological sciences. Recognizing this, we have developed the undergraduate concentrations in Computational and Mathematical Biology.
The Departments of Biology, Computer and Information Science (CIS), and Mathematics have each devised undergraduate programs to train students in Computational and Mathematical Biology. Here we describe only the program available through the Department of Biology.
To make a request to apply for one of the Biology concentrations, please log-in to Path@Penn, select Path forms, then choose "Declare/Update Field of Study". Also, please fill out the Student Information form and Course Sequence Worksheet for the corresponding concentration (computational or mathematical) and submit them to the following link. Please contact with any questions.
*Sophomores and Juniors, when submitting your declaration request on Path@Penn, please do so for the Spring 2024 semester.
*Please note: Requests will not be reviewed until all materials are submitted.
Requirements for the Computational Biology Concentration
Required Introductory and Intermediate Biology (4 - 5 CU):
Introductory Biology (2 or 3 cu):
- Track 1 (2 CUs): BIOL1121 with BIOL1123 and BIOL1124 [BIOL121 with 123 and BIOL 124]
- Track 2 (3 CUs): BIOL1101 and BIOL1102 [BIOL 101 and 102]
Intermediate Biology (2 cu):
- BIOL 2210 Molecular Biology and Genetics (1 cu) [BIOL 221]
- BIOL 2410 Evolutionary Biology (1 cu) [BIOL 230]
Chemistry or Physics (1.5 CU):
- CHEM 1011 (or CHEM 1021 or 1151) General Chemistry I and CHEM 1101 [CHEM101 or 115 with 053]
- PHYS 0101 Classical Physics or PHYS 0150 Principles of Physics I or PHYS 0170 Honors Physics I: Mechanics and Wave Motion (1.5 cu) [PHYS 101 or 150 or 170]
Introductory Math and Statistics (2 CU):
- MATH 1400 Calculus I (1 cu) [MATH 104]
- BIOL 2510 Statistics for Biologists (1 cu) [BIOL446]
- (STAT 1110 or 1020 or STAT 4310 may be substituted for BIOL 2510) [STAT 111 or 102 or 431]
Computer Science (3 CU):
- CIS 1200 Programming Languages and Techniques I (1 cu) [CIS 120]
- CIS 1210 Programming Languages and Techniques II (1 cu) [CIS 121]
- CIS 1600 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science I (1 cu) [CIS 160]
"Capstone" Courses (2 CU):
- BIOL 4536 Introduction to Computational Biology & Biological Modeling (1 cu) [BIOL 437]
- BIOL 3999 Interdisciplinary Research Project (1 cu) [BIOL 399]
Two additional Biology courses from the following list (2 CU):
- BIOL 2810 Biochemistry (1 cu) [BIOL 204] (Note: CHEM 2510 can be used in place of BIOL 2810)
- BIOL 2010 Cell Biology (1 cu) [BIOL 205]
- BIOL 2311 Human Physiology (1 cu) [BIOL 210]
- BIOL 3310 Principles of Human Physiology (1 cu) [BIOL 215]
- BIOL 2110 Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (1 cu) [BIOL 251]
- BIOL 2610 Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems(1 cu) [BIOL 240]
- BIOL 3054 Developmental Biology (1 cu) [BIOL 354]
- BIOL 4010 Advanced Evolution (1 cu) [BIOL 410]
- BIOL 4517 Theoretical Population Biology (1 cu) [BIOL 417]
- BIOL 4825 Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Superlab (1 cu) [BIOL 425]
- BIOL 4231 Genome Science and Genomic Medicine (1 cu) [BIOL 431]
- BIOL 4010 Advanced Cell Biology (1 cu) [BIOL 480]
- BIOL 4235 The RNA World: A Functional and Computational Analysis (1 cu) [BIOL 485]
Three Computational Biology-related courses from the following list (3 CU):
- CIS 2620 Automata, Computability and Complexity (1 cu) [CIS 262]
- CIS 3200 Introduction to Algorithms (1 cu) [CIS 320]
- CIS 3340 Advanced Topics in Algorithms (1 cu) [CIS 334]
- CIS 5450 Big Data Analytics (1cu) [CIS 545]
- PHYS 2280 Physical Models of Biological Systems (1 cu) [PHYS 280]
- CHEM 2410 Organic Chemistry (1 cu) [CHEM 241]
- MATH 2410 Calculus, Part IV (1 cu) [MATH 241]
- MATH 3140 Advanced Linear Algebra (1 cu) [MATH 314]
- MATH 3600 Advanced Calculus (1 cu) [MATH 360]
- MATH 3610 Advanced Calculus (1 cu) [MATH 361]
- MATH 3700 Algebra (1 cu) [MATH 370]
- MATH 4200 Ordinary Differential Equations (1 cu) [MATH 420]
- MATH 4250 Partial Differential Equations (1 cu) [MATH 425]
- STAT 4300 Probability (1 cu) [STAT 430]
- STAT 4310 Statistical Inference (can be counted as elective only if NOT taken for the Introductory Math and Statistics requirement) [STAT 431]
- STAT 4330 Stochastic Processes (1 cu) [STAT 433]
- STAT 4710 Modern Data Mining (1 cu) [STAT 471]
- STAT 5100 Probability (1 cu) [STAT 510]
- BIOL 5536 Fundamentals of Computational Biology (1 cu) [BIOL 536]
Requirements for the Mathematical Biology Concentration
Same as above, but replace "Introductory Computer Science" requirements with Math Core:
- MATH 1410 Calculus, Part II or MATH 1510 Calculus, Part II with Probability and Matrices (1 cu) [MATH 114 or 115]
- MATH 2400 Calculus, Part III (1 cu) [MATH 240]
- MATH 3200 Computer Methods in Mathematical Sciences I (1 cu) [MATH 320]